Sunday 25 May 2008


Still having contractions, very painful. I slept/rested most of the day while Dearest and Lil'Bug did the grocery shopping and went to the zoo.

Sometimes I was grateful for the alone time and sometimes I really wished that they would come home soon and hug me. Those urges were about 5 minutes apart. :)

There have been moments of reflection today where I was just about ready to throw in the towel and just schedule surgery. The pain is worse that my last recovery and at least I could take pain meds then. Then I focus, breathe, scream a little, and remember that at least I am dealing with this now and not while trying to nurse a newborn. I remember how much is sucks to not drive, but better now than a whole additional six weeks. I remember that I am not alone; though prodromal labour is rare, many women have come through it.

I was strong enough to go home from the hospital. I am glad my water did not break, even though it was a bit embarrassing to be told by the nurse it was likely that I wet myself (or it was the mucus plug dissolving plus fluid). Water breaking so early would not be a good thing for a VBAC attempt.

Messages of comfort and prayer keep flowing in just when I need them. Thank you, thank you.


  1. Breathe slow and deep. Think and say, slowly, "open, oopen." Try not to furrow your brow. You can do it! It sucks now but your recovery will be easier without cutting. Still, don't beat yourself up if things don't go as planned.


  2. If your doula isn't there with you, I hope she's on speed dial. :)

    I'm not sure what prodromal labor is, but it sounds like it means long, slow, and long labor.

    Your definately in my thoughts--I hope you can feel the positive energy coming from this way!

  3. Hang in there. You can do this.

  4. Keep up the good work! You're in our prayers and we asked our friends to be praying for you too!

  5. I'll take a stab at this.

    MP is experiencing contractions that are between 1 minute and 3 minutes in length, and between 1 minute and 7 minutes apart. These vary in intensity, but over the last few days she is frequently woken by the contractions, and can't talk through them, and has difficulty walking through them.

    Walking makes them stronger, as does changing position.

    She is TIRED, physically and emotionally. We're hoping more sleep happens tonight.

    It's worth noting that she is not giving in to the urge to grump at us, though she has every right to, and she's doing a really great job dealing with this, and she is totally hardcore and tough as nails and other words of encouragement.

    I am amazed, and impressed, and in awe, and in love.

    GO MAMA P!!!!!!!!

    - DH

  6. :) Thank you all for your encouragement. Tonight has been particularly hard.

    Prodromal labor is basically contractions that are real strength (quite a lot more intense than Braxton Hicks) that can last for days, or weeks. Some consider it another whole phase of labor for some women. Dr. Sears Birth Book is the only book that mentions it as more that fake out labor.

  7. Your amazing! I went through this with my last pregnancy and ended up begging to be induced.

    I'm sending real labor vibes out for ya!

  8. Some peaceful thoughts from my labor:

    Your cervix is melting like warm butter.

    Your cervix is soft and stretchy.

    Peace, peace, peace.

    Wishing you the best of luck!


  9. GO Mama P! I know you can do it. I am thinking of you and sending you good thoughts.



A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.