Tuesday 27 May 2008

And then there were four . . .

Junebug was born at 6:20 pm this afternoon by cesarean section. Mother and baby are doing fine.

MamaP was nothing short of heroic in her attempt to VBAC. Ultimately, complications related to thick meconium in the bag of waters and worsening fever caused us to make the decision for a C-section delivery. We are extremely pleased with the result - from the beginning, success for us was defined by our family walking out of the hospital together.

Junebug successfully latched onto the breast as soon as Mama was able, and has since nursed again. Currently mama is glowing, and baby is sleeping.

Thanks for all the support we received on the blog and in email - it really helped keep MamaP's spirits up.

We named her Holly Evangeline.


  1. Welcome Holly!! I think it is awesome that you attempted the VBAC and all that matters is that you are now holding your healthy baby. :) Congratulations to the whole family!! Wishing MP a speedy recovery and continued prayers for all.

  2. You may need to edit my first comment... sorry about that!.. or if you need to delete I understand. You can delete this one too. :)

  3. no matter - posted it anyway. just wanted to check and see how MamaP felt about it before posting.


  4. Congratulations you guys!!! Holly Evangeline is a beautiful name.
    Take it easy and get some sleep if you can.

  5. Congratulations and welcome to our world, Holly! What a beautiful name!

    Rest and recuperate now. Chad, I've never met you but I wish for MamaP that you'll be her valiant protector and ward off interrupters of peace and bonding, well-meaning or not. Based on all MamaP has written about you I'm sure you already are on the job!

  6. Welcome Holly! What a beautiful name! Clare can't wait to meet her new little friend! I'm so happy that baby and mama are doing well! Hope to see pictures soon (in all your spare time, right? :o)

  7. Congratulations! Happy Birthday Holly!

  8. Congratulations to you all! What a lovely name! It's perfect!

    MamaP wow....just wow! Go you! Snuggle up with your family and rest, enjoy!

  9. Congratulations! I love the name;) I am glad you both are healthy and doing well-that's what matters the most. We will bring dinner by one night soon. Let us know when you are feeling up to company, and if there is ANYTHING else we can do.
    So excited for you!

  10. Congratulations to all of you. I'm glad you're both okay.

  11. Yay! Welcome baby Holly! Congrats to big sister! Way to go Mama P! Thanks for keeping us in the loop, Chad! Exclamation points all around!!!!
    Take care and rest up- we can wait for the story and photos.
    Love and hugs to all,

  12. Oh hooray! °Ü°

    Beautiful name!!

  13. Congrats. What a beautiful name. Glad all is going well.

  14. Yay, for Mama P and family! Enjoy your babymoon with Holly. Congratulations and best wishes.


  15. Holly Evangeline!!! Welcome to the world you gorgeous little thing you!!
    I'm so glad everything turned out ok!!!


A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.