Sunday 16 March 2008

Photo Challenge 10- Self

I'm sorry I missed last week for the photo challenge. Oops. Totally fried and flu sick last weekend.

This week I have been challenged to take a decent belly photo. I had to learn how to use the timer on the camera, but I'm still working on it.

This doesn't have to be a self portrait though, just how do you view yourself? Through what? How? Where?

(Also, my brain is fried. Any suggestions for themes are welcomed!)


  1. Where do we view/add photos for the photos challenge?

  2. To add a photo, just put on your blog and then leave a comment here with the link to it. To view others, just look through the comment threads and click on their links. To view mine, click on the sidebar label PHOTO CH 2008 and I most of the time have a separate entry with that label each week.

    No one is obligated, not even me. :)

  3. You know what could be cool? hope I'm not stepping on your toes here.

    We could start a flickr group called Mama Podkayne's Photo Challenge. People could join and then upload their photo to the group so everyone could see it. Then you could leave the link in your blog every week when you announce the theme!

    Again, just a thought that hit me.



  4. I love the idea! I don't really know how to use flicker. Give me a week or so and I'll try and get it going.

  5. OK, here it is!

    I love your challenges, and enjoy participating! This was a fun one this week!

    I love the idea of a flickr group!

  6. A little late, but here is mine!

  7. I'm up!
    Debated for a few days if I should enter it or not. I decided on "Yes."


A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.