Tuesday 25 November 2008

MamaP should blog more often.

But since she's not, I will! : )

Two things irritate me lately.

1. People overblowing the financial 'crisis'. If you are using words like 'Armageddon' or 'doom' or 'catastrophic' I'll put you in this category. Stop it. You are scaring people.

2. People who aren't feeling the impact of the current financial problems pretending like there are none. Stop it. People are scared. Get some compassion or karma may serve you up a plate of empathy.

If these seem to be in conflict to you, you probably fall into one of the category's above.

Simply put - there are a lot of people losing jobs, and prices are going up, and that's rough. Several of my friends had to find new jobs, and half the building I work at got laid off - I'm only 30 and this is the first time I went through something like that. Not good.

On the other hand, my worst case scenario typically involves meteors, so I get suspicious when people use extremely emotional words to describe something as variable as the economy. Things will get better eventually.

In the meantime, remember to help out your friends and neighbors where you can. It's important.

. . .

And now, back to your regularly scheduled blogging.


  1. My husband went through this after 9/11/01. But it wasn't quite as bad then. I do feel compassion for people who are hurting and we do all we can to help people in need right now, even though we are not well off. All will work itself out. In the meantime I try to avoid the doomers.

    Good luck at work!


  2. And let's not forget about gas. Dig a pit in your backyard and fill it with gas. Prices WILL go up again. :)

    And now let's hide away and hold on to our money. I intent to celebrate Buy Nothing Day on Black Friday.


A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.