Monday 22 October 2007

Farm Crawling: Meeting Thanksgiving Dinner

I have this thing about food. I like to meet my food, or at least know the people who have cared for it. I like eating happy pigs. There is accountability that way for all of us.

Have you ever toured a factory or mass producing meat place? The animals can be forced fed, kept in small pens, force bred, treated like animals, and then lined up for slaughter. Conveyor belt processing of their carcass into food. Chicken nuggets for example: made from chicken slurry. OMG. Yuck.

Anyway, we found this great event through an announcemnt on our locl homeschool idea board: the farm crawl.

This is Lily meeting the father of our Thanksgiving dinner (I hope we order in time!)

This is Lily viewing the flock in which we hope to get our heritage breed Turkey. Yum.

I'll post more, see the following posts. :)

1 comment:

  1. This is a really cool presentation - and the idea of being responsible for your (meat-eating) actions resonates with me.
    Not sure I'm quite ready for it, but one I admire, none the less.


A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.