Wednesday 1 August 2007

Star Kitty gets a check up....

Ear Mite & Ear Mite Eggs

This is what else we brought home. :) Star Kitty checked out at the vet, all tests good except ear mites, she had a lot of ear mites. Lil'Bug got to see the mites and eggs under a microscope and they were still wiggling. She thought is was really cool that the Dr. let her back into the lab to see the microscope (so did I!) and fret not, mites are actually pretty common with farm cats and treatable. There are some other medical problems common to farm cats that Star Kitty is free and clear of but that we learned all about anyway. Someday soon we'll have to know as much about it as possible. By the grace of God, that someday will be soon!

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A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.