Saturday 5 April 2008

Comment Spammers

I recently attempted to eliminate the word verification feature on my blog. Why? I moderate comments anyway, what should it matter.....besides, it is really annoying when I get it wrong over and over, why do that to people trying to comment?

Why? Ugh. It matters. I am sorry. Twice now for my post on Nesting have spammers tried to hit me with a virus. A VIRUS! AN EXE! I didn't even go to their stupid link. I went to their blogger profile and attempted to view their blog (that's what I do for all unrecognized commentors, btw, it is how I first found the lovely Christine at Welcome to My Brain and now so many others). Simply clicking on their blog, started a download of something evil.

Lucky for me, my Dearest, IT guru, was nearby. He quickly grabbed my mactop, emergency powered down, then did some stuff so that here I am typing away today.


  1. I saw that in the list yesterday.
    I got the same one, on both blogs - about "I'm leaving for the airport, here's the info you wanted". I deleted them both, of course, but I didn't know that it was a virus. I just thought someone wanted to sell something.

  2. I hate spammers. Really do. Sad people. :(

    Well, I'm not a spammer, just a new reader, who found here through Evie's blog. And I plan on coming back, because I like it here. :)

    Visit me if you like.

  3. SLF: I did visit! Cool blog.

    Stephanie: I got that one a couple days ago, but it didn't list a blog in the profile. These had links in the message and were both different. The messages were brief, one sentence with link. Stupid.

  4. Wow. Ick. I've gotten spam on my food blog but its been innocuous so far. Not virus based (at least to my knowledge!) Ick. Glad DH kept your laptop safe!


A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.