Thursday 4 July 2013

Farm Update July 4, 2013


......and Isaac walked by himself and stood up without holding anything by himself.

This weekend, for those of you who cannot view the pictures:
Chad chopped down a dead ironwood tree. It fell on the chicken run. That was not intended. Then his chainsaw broke.

We had 300 bales of hay mowed and baled. Then it was a race to get it under cover before the storm hit. We failed. The above picture is our successful attempt to dry out the bales. Then we had to scramble to get those in before the next round of storms. Good gravy that was hard. You know, for Chad. It was actually pretty awesome to watch if you are standing in the shade with iced sweet tea. Just sayin'.

Then, THEN, we brought home a bottle calf! Susan is her name. She's a 1 month old red angus heifer. She is Lily's job.

Oh wait, there's more. Jessica and I cleaned out the garage. 

I got some peahens and named them Beyonce and Anastasia. Yes I did.

I made cream cheese stuffed peppers wrapped in cottage bacon and broiled. Twice.

I roasted a chicken.

Lily and I cleaned out the under cabinets in the kitchen and did all the dishes twice.

And Isaac walked and walked. We were all sitting around listing off all the hard work we each did, Chad, Mama, Lily, and Isaac......and Holly reminded us that she did not. She just played. Ha.

She actually said Ha!

Not actually true though. She played with Isaac, cleaned off the table, and helped with laundry. Silly wonderful girl.

Grandma and Grandpa got here yesterday and have been working hard too. Seriously awesome holiday so far.

So that is the update past shearing. We still have more to do. Tomorrow will be an epic laundry day. Yes, I know epic is an overused word, but y'all have not seen my laundry crisis. Seriously. Ha!

Happy 4th of July!

Peppers, split and cleaned out
Cream Cheese
Bacon (Cottage)

Stuff peppers with cream cheese.
Wrap with bacon.
Secure with toothpick
Broil until bacon is crispy

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A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.