Wednesday 23 December 2009

Sally and Jack and Lucy and some of the other critters that live here....

This is Jack and Hobbit. They get along really well. Hobbit does just fine with any critter actually, he's such an easy going dog.

This is Lucy, a half Blue Heeler, half Aussie farm dog. She's got sooooo much energy. If Lil'Bug were a dog, she'd be Lucy. They are a good match.

A giant blue crawfish. I love this picture.  Lil'Bug is so awesome with creatures, fish, and various other slimy wonderful things. Life is messy and she loves every bit of it!

We have millions of frogs and turtles. Crawfish are a bit more rare.  This isn't even the tip of the iceberg for critters around here. Lily has to touch every single one of them. The picture above of the turtle is one she found in the dogs jaws and got the bleeding to stop with flour, watched it to stop bleeding and released it into the pond. All in a farm girl's afternoon.

 Our flock of chickens are great. They are pretty and gentle. Chickens take care of our ticks and give us beautiful yummy eggs.

This is Sally, I think. Jack is much shier. These two were the first of our four barn cats. They would like to be house cats and we would like to let them, but Star Kitty has some anger issues she needs to work out first.


  1. I really like everything about your new layout. Not that my opinion matters so much, but it's nice.

  2. It does matter! I like it too. I'm still working on some ideas for the sidebar content, and the header pic will change with the season (the outer side color will change to match it), but pretty much I love the colors, the layout, and the readability. Now, to get inspired....


A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.