Thursday 14 November 2013

Bathroom Redo on an Actual Dime

 My budget for this project is 10$.

Yes. I said 10$. For ten smackaroos I can buy two gallons of paint from the backroom at my local paint store. High quality paint that usually goes for 50$ a gallon.

I want this room to look like one of those high end fashion magazine bathrooms. My last bathrooms looked like this.......see? That is why I am hopeful. If I could do that, I can make this one cool too, right?

Only this time I have a different agenda. Last time we had this idea of a bed and breakfast and no children. Now, we have a farmhouse, pigs, laundry up to my ears, and three children. Cue the no budget music. Sigh.

So, dear readers, here is what I would like from you. Help me pick the paint colours. Help me find ideas. I'm going to use the Miss Effie method and shop my own house too.

So here are the before shots. The bathroom was a teal green with a sea shell border when we moved in. So I 5$ painted it brown. It is too dark and I hate it. I hate it less than the icky green with sea shells though. Ha!

 I have a set of shelves between the window and the bathtub. I'd like to do something with those too.

I HATE the vanity. Too bad for me. It stays. Ugh. Unless I can find some fabulous thing for free. (sobs)

I can't figure out what to put on the walls for art either. I have a HUGE supply of frames and photographs. It is just that a bathroom is a bit trickier to pick for, you know?

I have a set of 9 cream coloured canvas roman shades to work with. I have a set of pink butterfly knobs and hooks I could paint and use as hardware. I don't hate the floor, but even if I did it stays and it is off white and light greenish blue solid one piece linoleum.

I am also willing to paint the tub and the "chicken feet".

One last thing- the woodwork and trim are off limits. The vanity is crap wood and so is the closet shelf thing, but the door trim and base boards and doors are original and in excellent condition. They are not to be touched. 

So- here is my pinterest profile- please, I beg you, send me ideas. Tell me what you think here.

Danelle Stamps at Pinterest

Thank you, in advance!

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Farmhouse Lunch

For every butchering group of pigs, we reserve back 1/2 a pig for our own family. From that we can taste the quality of the meat, the cures, and in general quality control. Today we broke out the best bacon our farm has produced.

The best? Honestly, it tasted much like our other best bacon, from the sows....but this bacon was different in a really important way. These pigs had no corn or soy input the last 6 weeks of their life. They had very little before that too. We were able to get enough real food inputs, with enough variety that they didn't have to eat the grain ration. That was awesome.Our worry was that the bacon  and the pork might not taste as good?

A couple observations right off: the fat that was bagged up for me to render into lard was very bright in colour, a lovely pink/peach. It will render white, but the colour is indicative of vitamin and nutrient content. I am excited about that.

The bacon fried up slow and had a good sound to it while sizzling. That is something I started noticing once we started paying attention to quality. The end product was the perfect crisp/chew ration.

So, for lunch I served up local apples, white cheddar, and bacon. My little foodies were all very attentive and gave good feedback too. Lily said the fat was very bright in taste, Holly thought it was just salty enough. Isaac liked to eat it with the apples.

Me? I liked how well it went with my maple cream coffee. It was that kind of day, y'all.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Iowa Blogger Meet Up

Saturday I got up before the rooster and ducks and silently loaded up the car with bacon and sausages and my laptop....and hit the road for Iowa City....alone (well, until I met up with Diana for carpool magic!).

I plugged in to cooking podcasts and enjoyed the sunrise as the frosted fields rolled on by.

I was terribly nervous. I had been invited to an Iowa Food Blogger meet up and meeting authors that I read regularly in person was something I was looking forward to. I also wanted to learn how to grow audience and make my blog more focused and readable. I needed feedback on my book in progress.

But I started thinking that I was going to hang out with the amazing people who have thousands of followers and huge audiences and published books and I very much did not belong. I blog because writing make me happy and it amuses me. I blog so my kids will have a written record of who I am and that I love them so much.



What was I worried about? I spent the day getting to know some of the most amazing voices emerging on the web right now. No one thought I was a big ol faker. No one demeaned mommy blogging. No one was rolling their eyes when someone brought up creating content or using social media to direct traffic. It was so nice.

Bonus is that Iowa City is gorgeous and just vibrates with creativity and memories. Love.

The day started at the New Pioneer Co-op.

Just gorgeous. A grocery store that cares about the food politics that I do. No dyes. No crap. No GMO's. Varieties of carrots. That's right VARIETIES OF CARROTS. They visit the farms they buy from and insist on living wages, fair trade LOCALLY. This is so amazing that if I could afford to, I would drive to Iowa City to do my grocery shopping. Not kidding.

Then we headed downtown and of course my phone/camera died. Sigh.

I bought a cool pair of shoes, watched my friends eat cupcakes (what? My blood sugar was making me dizzy so I opted not to sugar high so early in the day), and talked about trolls, blog stalkers, and Internet safety. Good company. Beautiful weather. So many memories flooded me, as place and sensory does with me. Iowa City was an escape for me as a teenager. I often drove out there overnight without my parents knowing and drove back in the morning. I didn't partake in typical teenager trouble, usually I walked around, met up with people for coffee, wrote poetry, and just enjoyed being where other writers were living and breathing.

I don't know why I didn't go there for college, but I am glad I ended up where I did instead. I forged my own path, as I do now.

The whole day got me thinking about what I am doing here with this blog. Should I change the focus and stop being all over the place? Should I claim I am a feminist farmer and forge ahead a new politic? Yeah. No.

I am still finding my voice. I am finding more and more that I am called to give words to the experiences that we share and tell the stories that others cannot and are afraid to.

Plus, I love sharing recipes.

So you get me. All of me. The whole hot mess and the kitchen sink.

Thank you for reading here. Thank you for sharing your experiences and laughing along with me as I share mine.

Here's the blog list of the fantastic and funny folks I met up with:
Simplify, Live, Love
Ally's Sweet and Savory
Been There, Baked That
Herbalist Eats
My Humble Kitchen
Chez Bonne Femme
Sawdust and Embryos
Iowa Food Blog
In the Kitchen with Jenny
Culinary Bliss
The Sustainable Couple 
Make the Best of Everything

and a few others I still need to look up and add....and will do once I get caught up with grading papers, laundry and dishes.