Saturday 4 January 2014

Wuv, Twoo Wuv.......Happy 15th Chad!

 "As you wish" the phrase princess Buttercup realised that farm boy meant "I love you," every time he said it.

Two things have made these thoughts I am about to share swirl around my noggin lately. The first is that more than five couples from my friend group in the "big city" are divorcing or discussing a split.  They all have kids. They all have been married more than 5 years. The second is something we discussed at church a while back, the act of serving your spouse, actively trying to meet their needs, changes the dynamic of the relationship.

So for our 15th wedding anniversary I thought I'd put this out here for thought. Wesley, the farm boy, did small tasks at Buttercup's request to slowly show her his love. It worked for him. Eventually she got the message. Not everyone gets subtle hints, but, actions do speak loudly.

Chad doesn't get hints either. His brain does not work like that. I have to say,  I have this or that need. Sometimes I have to also tell him quite plainly how I need that need met. Like, "Hey honey, I am really overwhelmed with the laundry pile. It would really help me feel better if I could get that chaotic pile out of my bedroom........COULD/WILL YOU HELP ME SORT AND FOLD?" I don't actually yell, but I have to be pretty clear. If I just stomped in there and started slamming drawers and doing the task, shouting out one liners, he wouldn't get it. Or he would, but would be so irritated about my passive aggressive actions that he'd head outside to do some random farm chore. It also wouldn't work to just tell him to do it. We're grown ups. Trust me, all of the scenarios have played out here. What I learned? The laundry doesn't matter all that much.

What I have also learned is that the more unpleasant I am, cranky, moody, angry, ect.......the more time he spends outside doing heavy labour and the less time I see him or get him to help with the kids or the house tasks. Which makes me more cranky and continues the cycle.

A couple years ago a friend of mine split with her husband, started divorce proceedings, and then had an epiphany: he wasn't coming home because home was a crappy, unhappy, miserable place to be. She was at the heart of that home. So she put huge amounts of effort into becoming an interesting person, creating a loving environment, and respecting him inside that space. Home as a refuge, as a comfort, a safe zone. At the time, I thought she was crazy. He was a cheating scum bag, in my opinion and she was not to blame for his actions. Though, even if those sentiments were true, years later they are still together and.....happy? I don't know. The more effort she put into making her home a respectful, joyful sanctuary...the more it became that for her too. Slowly he started to reciprocate and so did her sons, she told me.

I took that observation to my own home. My husband is a pretty great guy actually. Sometimes though, we are all miserable and being around each other is not pleasant.The kids behaviour reflects that, the house starts to accumulate mess, and in general everything starts to fall apart. To pull out of this nosedive, I work backwards. I have a cup of tea, and tackle the kitchen. I make a nice meal. I tidy up. I do some specific thing that makes Chad's life easier, like washing and sorting his socks. Something that doesn't take a lot of time but is still nice. I get the kids dressed up and happy. It makes a difference. Then when he gets home, I try really hard to not talk about all the things that I am stressed out about. I mean, he knows already. Then the next day, I do this again. Often, our nutrition needs to be righted. We're not getting enough good sleep. That's not something wrong with "us".  Sometimes the stressor is something we need to tackle as a team. Regrouping helps.

When my life starts to feel overwhelming, I know that my whole family is suffering. I know that whatever stressor is causing me to be upset is likely upsetting everyone. Most of the time it is something that is beyond our control, so I ask myself, how can I better serve them to get THEM through this tough time? Only when I do that, do I pull us up. Sure, locking myself in the bathroom with a quart of Java Chip helps the morning get by, and sometimes is just part of the solution, but long doesn't put food on the table.

Put food on the table....that's another good metaphor actually. Chad works hard to harvest the food and I attend the hearth. This partnership gets the food on the table. We've chosen our roles, sometimes switch it up, and sometimes we still head to town for pizza. Marriage is like that too. We take our talents, work hard, and bring who we are to the table.When we got married, our vows included a pledge to support and nourish each others' talents and gifts, the gifts given to us as individuals by God. This means right now that I make time for writing and that Chad explores farming, tractoring, and firewood chopping....just kidding. Sort of. Chad solves problems. He's good at it.

So today, I celebrate 15 years of working at this. I am so blessed to have Chad as my partner, raising our children and growing our farm. I hope he feels the same about me!

I look at him, tucking a sleeping baby Isaac into bed or reading to Holly or the sparkle in his eyes as Lily puzzles out the words mystical and mountain all on her own, the pride he has in our farm, or doing the dishes after having spent 4 hours in the dark, freezing rain taking care of livestock....and I think, I am so blessed.

Happy anniversary Chad. Love you.

Thursday 2 January 2014

I'm Tellin' Y'all It's Sabotage

The past few years I have picked a word to theme my year, to write at the top of the page, to start the day.

I think my word for 2014 may be..... Sabotage. I know it isn't the super inspirational, joyful, high energy words everyone else is making theirs.....but last night I listed out all the ways I self sabotage my own creative process and projects. I need to be reminded that around every corner I have laid a booby trap for my own failure, that it is like the Temple of Doom in my own head! 

Previous years words: Grateful, Thrive, Release, and Breathe

Nothing like that speaks to me.

A recent discussion with my friend Jen about inspiration and creating art, got me thinking. I am afraid of my own dark thoughts. I am afraid what people with think of the creative force inside me. I am afraid that they will be horrified. Really? No. I am the one who is afraid, terrified, paralysed with this fear.

I just turned on Beastie Boys Pandora and first song up? Sabotage. It's a sign.
"I can't stand it I know you planned it
I'm gonna set it straight, this watergate
I can't stand rocking when I'm in here
Because your crystal ball ain't so crystal clear
So while you sit back and wonder why
I got this fucking thorn in my side
Oh my, it's a mirage
I'm tellin' y'all it's sabotage

So listen up 'cause you can't say nothin'
You'll shut me down with a push of your button?
But yo I'm out and I'm gone
I'll tell you now I keep it on and on

'cause what you see you might not get
And we can bet so don't you get souped yet
You're scheming on a thing that's a mirage
I'm trying to tell you now it's sabotage"
-Beastie Boys
I started the self study I mentioned in the Derailed post. It was thrilling and exciting to realise that I DO in fact know the technical vocabulary of poetry. I DO know these concepts. I remember learning them in my very first writing class. How could I have talked myself into thinking that I didn't? I know this like breathing. I know it in my bones. It flows through me with every heart beat. I got so excited. I started to think.....maybe I don't need to do this study?

Um, sabotage.

I DO need this. I need to work through it slow, go one unit at a time, savour it and do the work. To rush it, to decide that I already know it and I don't need it is my youthful ego sabotaging my efforts....again. A good description of this is two little trolls on my shoulders, one saying, "Danelle, you are a total phony, they will find you out, they will know that you can't do the things that your degree says, they will KNOW." The other saying, "Who cares! You are SO good, a genius, a prodigy, you don't need this bullshit, stop wasting your time with this! You are so unbearably superior, don't even worry about doing the work! It will be much more fun to watch Dexter on Netflix, come the Netflix browser......"

They both hate me.

This is why I fail. My internal narrative is constantly doing this to me. I need to make friends with these gnarly dudes, feed them some of my peach pie and get them on my side. I will be queen of this swamp and honey will have to work. Otherwise, I have a big stick.

So then this whisper of a voice told me that I couldn't use this as my word. It is too dark, to menacing, too much. I needed  to use something else, something happy.

No. Not this time. No mirages, no hallmark dainty thing that will satisfy my sweet side. Not everything is lightness and maple syrup. I have a full range of feelings and even some darkness. It is time to face that and get to work.

What's your word? Do you ever talk yourself down from your own potential and creativity?

2014 Day 2: Struggles Mighty

I love the idea of resolutions. I love the idea of the hope and cheer and confidence that people have when they proclaim them. I often try too, and fail. Things like this do not work for me. My friend Natalie says that attaching the label of resolution to an important goal is like setting a laser beam on destruction and ruining it from day one....or something like that. Goodness, I do understand that.

I also understand the need to have a fresh start, a clean plate, a newly washed slate. For me it is like getting a new notebook and beginning something exciting. Just like that though, staring at the blank page can bring on panic and induce anxiety= writer's block!

Isaac and farming have both taught me that goals are attainable and that progress measured in inches is still progress. If I don't make a list, create a plan, then I have no map. Sometimes that is fun, other times it leaves me lost and frightened and the sun sets on opportunities I miss out for not being where I need to be on time.

Here are my goals for 2014, the things I would like to do.
  1. Travel for a week on my own or with friends, to Europe I hope (travel fund is growing, goal is almost met). 
  2. Get those things out of the draft drawer of doom and out into the world. See what happens.
  3. Write 5 new poems a week. They will be terrible, but practise is something I desperately need to get my feet under me. 10 years without poetry has been hard on me.
  4. Read more for fun.
  5. Learn to cook these things: roasting garlic in the oven, flan, and chocolate peanut butter cups. 
  6. Connect more with my friends, face to face. Nourish those friendships.
  7. Can enough salsa (learn how to use pressure canner without (unreasonable) fear). Enough is 100 pints or 50 quarts. Less if it isn't as tasty as store bought.
  8. Meet all the neighbours on our road. Schedule play dates with folks who have kids my kids ages.
  9. Plan a trip to see someone I love dearly who lives where it is warm.
  10. Connect more with people who publish.
  11. Row in the flat bottom boat once a week in good weather, while Lily fishes.
  12. Blog once a day, no matter what.
  13. Mail out 60 pieces. 60. That's a lot. 5 per month isn't a lot though, that is doable.
  14. Keep my hair dyed red or purple. I like how I look with bright hair. 
That's my list. That is what I will keep to. Our goal for the farm is a separate list, the homeschooling goals are too. Chad and I plan to finish the cook book together and publish it as an E-book.

What lovely things are you dreaming of friends?

Wednesday 1 January 2014

2014 Day One

Baked 7 pies. Made black eyed peas and hamhocks with greens. Kept the kitchen clean even though I made 7 pies. Coresponded with two Spring term students. Played legos. Encouraged a friend. Ate nearly a bag of kettle chips without sharing.

I took a lot of photographs, found time to sit down and blog.....missing my cord to transfer said photos to blogger.

So, instead of that here is a picture of pie.

This week I will finally post my recipe for peach pie. That was a long time coming, eh?