Wednesday 6 April 2011

March Was CRAZY Busy Part 2

My gorgeous and very talented sister in law Aunt J. Not only does she play the piano, but she is a master of its construction. I had a pedal that never worked and a few keys sticking. I blamed the girls dancing on it last week and I was wrong! Turns out that pianos need to be regularly opened and vacuumed out. It's on the yearly cleaning task list now. 

Very dusty. Some of the keys were broken too, on the inside where I never looked. A little bit of super glue and a lot of cleaning fixed all of that.

The heart and guts of the instrument. Of course this fascinated Blueberry Girl and she couldn't and wouldn't keep her hands off things. She ended up tearing some of the felt off of parts. 
I loved that my SIL did this for us.  It didn't take long and made a huge difference in how the girls treat the piano and how they play it now. Love love love love. (Four loves in honour of my little bro's childhood obsession with the number four....;)....)

Monday 4 April 2011

This Little Piggy ran all the way home.....

Our first round of pigs arrived at the farm on Sunday. Our customers know that we can only bring home as many pigs as customers have paid deposits, so only 11 pigs have arrived. (eh em, please get me your deposit!) They settled in nicely and have been running and jumping and exploring. Hopefully, they will be joined by another group in about 3 weeks.

Friday 25 March 2011

March Was CRAZY Busy Part 1

I'm not kidding when I say we were so busy that I had no time to blog. Sometimes I had time to take pictures, sometimes I'd get a post started, but most of the time I was so busy with living life to sit down and even relax or breathe deep. Sometimes it was a good busy sometimes it was a nightmare of fevers and crying and anxiety. Anyway, I'll catch you all up this week. I don't think I have ever skipped an entire month since I began blogging!

One of the awesome things that happened was my brother was home on leave and brought his family to the farm! Bonus, my aunt traveled from Texas to meet the new babies and see my brother and she came too!

Uncle T.  and Baby Zap.

Lil'Bug's tea Part-tay.....

My aunt Deedle, my inspiration and idol. She too moved to a farm in her mid thirties with no experience and made a go at it. She is strong willed and unafraid to try new things. Currently, she owns and operates a B&B in Galveston, TX. It's pink, no less.

Aunt Deedle with Baby Zap.

Even Chad got a turn holding Z., but he had to wait. ;)

Yum yum yum, thumbs.

Seriously, EVERYONE wanted a turn holding Zap. 

It was a good visit. :) I hope there are many more.

Blueberry Girls Paints Horses