Tuesday 22 July 2008

Mucking Mucky Muck

How can our house be so messy when we left it 2 days ago clean and tidy? Oh yeah, storm clean up chaos.

I am stuck in the muck, tired, sour bellied, and just worn out. How can I clean? So I am standing bewildered in my kitchen unable to figure out where to start while both my girls are very, very, busy. Sigh.

Anyone know how to get play dough "birthday cake" (ie florescent orange and brown play dough mixed with too much water) out of red velvet upholstery?

Power to the People

That's us, yo.

We have our power back on.

Will blog later when I am finished mucking out the fridge. Then I have to figure out what we need to buy for the week. Oh, and make my house smell less like spoiled food.

I'm keeping good humor. At least we had no structural or familial damage (ie, we worked together and only hung up the phone on each other twice...LOL!).

Friday 18 July 2008

Dr. Horrible

"Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog"

So very funny and only free until Sunday night so hurry! IMO Act II is funnier than Act I. Neil Patrick Harris + that guy from Firefly + Joss Wheadon = very funny stuff, a super villain musical? LOL.

*Hat tip to Mama B for posting this link on our local homeschool forum.

Wednesday 16 July 2008

In Friendship

My next blogorific task I am setting out to do is to comment more on other blogs. At least for this week, to let people know I am still reading. I have about 30 blogs in my reader. More that I am a sometimes visitor to.

So my first challenge to you all is to comment on some of your favorite blogs too! Especially if you never have before. Some of my current favorites I found through people commenting and/or my stat reader letting me know a lot of traffic was directed from and lo and behold- I'm on their blogroll! LOL

My second challenge is to find two new blogs you like and tell me (or on your own blog) about them. New to you. How? I'm going to take my blog ring for a spin and see what I can find. Sometimes I get curious about blog names in others' blogrolls, sometimes a blog is mentioned in a post and I check out the link.

*Edited to add- my blog rings are not working. Gah. I'll fix them later tonight.

So there you have it. Happy 10,000+!