Friday 18 April 2008

Earth Quaking News?

Our windows rattled just after 10 this morning. Not earth (or glass, rather) shattering news, our windows rattle if a big truck goes by or someone blasts rap music with heavy bass or if the washer is unbalanced in the spin cycle or any number of things......

It occurred to me later that I was not doing laundry. It was an actual earthquake. No really. Yes, here in the Midwest.

I'm not sure what else to add. I'll post more later.

Edited to Add:

Last few days....

Not being able to drive much is not such a bad thing, not when friends are so willing to come visit! We had a lovely playdate on Wednesday and it was sunny and warm (75 degrees!) so the girls played out back while the mamas talked gardening and mothering and lots of other stuff. Good times.

Thursday I had to go out to get dog food so I had to drive. Ouch. It's not the steering wheel now so much as it is the baby deciding to stretch and push in a certain way whenever I am in a moving vehicle. So I suffer as a passenger now too. Still, we got to stop by another friends BEAUTIFUL home and pick up some maternity clothes to borrow and for a short chat. Good times too!

So then we headed to Pawpaw's for lunch and soon after home.

Thursday was a rainy, cold day. The cold worked its way into me and I just felt awful. I still do. At least it's just a physical awful.

So we are here to Friday, still cold and rainy. I'm curled up with the last tiny bit of grading to do for the semester other than finals and a hot cup of tea. If I am up to it, we'll do a bit of kitchen chemistry later and make bread. ;)

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Funny How Things Change

4 years ago I was planning and registering for Lil'Bugs baby shower. I registered for furniture, swings, portables, pack and plays, bedding, clothes, toys.........

I asked Dearest what he thought we should add and his response: diapers. In fact, he thought we should wipe the registry clean and register for nothing but diapers, millions of diapers. Bah, was my reply.

Last summer we sold all of the baby contraptions but for the one swing and an exersaucer. We gave away the crib (we co-sleep).

We don't really need all that stuff. Most of it got used for extra blankets and toy storage (we got rid of a lot of the extras of those as well....)

But this time I decided to start a registry anyway.... you guessed it, for diapers. Nothing but. Ok, that's not true, there's also a diaper pail, a pail liner, and some bibs. Heh. The difference is this time we registered for cloth diapers. I'm also trying to buy local, so it's a mixed registry. I picked mostly handmade products from a local WAHM, and it's all through an Internet store front run by another local WAHM. I hope it all works out and I don't end up hating cloth. I don't think I will.

It is certainly another step in the changes we have undergone as a family.

I don't think we are having a baby shower this time around either. I am undecided. I mean, we've only registered for diapers! However, Lil'Bug really wants to have a welcome baby party. I'm all for that, even considered having an after baby is born party BUT I feel uncomfortable with the tradition of passing the new baby around for all to hold. Once she's older, fine. I was like that with Lil'Bug too, the only exceptions were family and rarely very close friends. Even if people don't play pass the baby, lots of kids and people all together= germs a plenty and that's not good for new mama and baby. I've always held that the first month of the baby's life is precious family bonding time. So I am conflicted as to what to do. I need to decide soon, right?

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Tuesday in the Afternoon

Today I feel really warm, from the inside out. Calm.

I went out and examined the Praying Mantis case. It vibrates to the touch, I could hear it humming. Truly amazing. That's how I feel. Buzzing with energy, a sweet hum from the deep inside. Encasing a precious new life.

I am surrounded by friends and love and the green beginnings of Spring. I feel so full of energy, yet I know to take it easy. So Lil'Bug and I are simply enjoying the sunshine. After yesterday, I really expected to feel tired, worried, and tense.

I don't. I feel reassured that my instincts were good. I feel blessed. I feel free of a burden (the fibroid) and relieved/grateful that it has passed. I want to laugh. Dr.s kept telling me that fibroids must be removed by surgery and I've lost almost a full pound of them since Lil'Bug was born, and now the last vestige during a pregnancy! I am blessed, no doubt.

I am wishing you all have a wondrous, happy day as well!