Friday 8 February 2008

Winter Blahs or Whoo Hoos

I don't have the winter blahs. I had the blahs in the summer.

Our snow total for the season is 39 inches, our average is 30. Heh. More snow on the way. I think this helps, keeps the view outside fresh instead of muddy and slow. If we were not on a rotating sniffle schedule, we'd being playing outside in it.

Yesterday was a blast. I learned much about Chinese New Year AND the friend which I have been navigating troubled waters about was there. Surprisingly, I didn't even tense up. It was awkward at first, but ended up relaxed. No, we will never likely be as close or trusting BUT at least I had no panic attacks and it was proven we could be civil if not friendly. For me, it was a big step in the release goal.

Lil'Bug made new friends, we saw friends we hadn't seen since park day, and we just relaxed. It was nice to attend instead of host. All said, our venture out into the snow was well worth it. Oh, did I mention there was a cheese ball? I love cheese balls.

More later.

Thursday 7 February 2008

11 Inches of Snow

We got 11 inches or so. That was the official total and it matches up with what is cut out on the sidewalk.

We stayed in all yesterday, but today we venture out for a cabin fever busting craft day and Chinese New Year celebration. Year of the Rat, and all. We're meeting up with park day friends that we have not seen since warmer weather.

Last night was rough. I didn't sleep well. The exercises and yoga made me feel, well, normal instead of pregnant and I got very anxious about this. Why? It's my thing- over analyzing. Then I had nightmares about sitting on the baby, the baby being only 2 inches big, ect. Geesh. Silly. I finally got some sleep this morning, but only a couple hours. Dearest stayed home late and ate breakfast with us, reassuring me that the exercises were designed to make me feel more fit and not to worry. :) Ok.

We are going to start back up with swimming next week. This week is just too crazy.

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Music Bit

Lil'Bug asked to listen to "real" music today, like in Daddy's truck.


She sang some lyrics. KMFDM. "La la la we don't care!" Hmmm. Note to self, talk to Daddy.

I played Gorillaz for her, selecting lyric appropriate songs. Interesting turn, this one's taste in music. :)

I am so relieved to have a break from Kidz Bop and Music Together. She said she is too!

What She Says To Daddy

I found this posted by my husband (re: our Lil'Bug) on a message forum he frequents, it was too funny not to share!

we get similar from lil

lil - "daddy! I need to tell you somethin'!"

me - "yes dear?"

lil- "um, well, actually, mama and I had a tea time today" x repeat a billion.


lil - "um, well, actually, starkitty doesn't like peanut butter. one time she ate some and she DIED!"

or my recent favorite -

lil - "Daddy pick me up and let me touch the ceiling!!"

/I pick her up, she touches the ceiling.

Me - "did you like that?"

lil - "It makes me feel like when I eat melons!"