Wednesday 23 January 2008

No Pictures, "Mama I don't feel good...."

LilBug has rubbed her nose and most of her face raw wiping away dripping snot. If I pin her down I can wipe Foil Hat Shea Butter on her cheeks to soothe the redness and help repel the snot from crusting, but she hates having gooey snot like stuff wiped on to her face. Her words, not mine. I happen to think the Shea Butter is divine and Amy should be crowned the queen of Shea Butter for making me Chai scented Butter for my pregnant belly.

With not much work to do and a kid who just wanted to alternantly hibernate or play farm in her room without me, I tried to play with my camera. This only made her cry. "No pictures, please mama," heartbreaking it was. So we mopped snow mud tracks off the floor and drank lots of tea and then I actually got to sit down and read a book (until I got up for more tea and came back- the book was gone. Tot says she knows nothing. Hmph.).

So Lil'Bug is still feverish off and on, her face is raw, and all she wants to eat are cookies. That's the update!

Tuesday 22 January 2008

My Goodness, IS It Only Tuesday?

You'd think that with Dearest Husband home yesterday that today would feel like a Monday- but it didn't. It feels like a Thursday that is at an end. Weekend in sight. I have all my classes graded, caught up on email, laundry, and dishes, tended a sick babe all day AND cooked a new recipe (scalloped potatoes from a CI book).

Now, my back aches and my feet are tingly so I am putting my feet up and messing around on the computer. Tot is in the bath, soon to be in bed, and I am likely up for the night as she wakes every 20 minutes asking for a drink or a hug because she doesn't feel good. Just. Like. Last. Night. I'm ready for it. Water is stationed, hugs are at full capacity. Germs, get ready for a fight.

Oh, and it snowed another 2 inches. Someone (not me) will have to shovel our 35'+75'+135'+10' of sidewalk soon or the City will fine us. This snow makes for a lot of work when you live on a corner lot! The upside is that snow is insulating so we are warmer inside.
Last week we went on a field trip to the Neal Smith Prairie Refuge. I love this museum and I love the vast prairie restoration that surrounds it. Lil'Bug became really upset in the seed lab and refused to stay in that room, opted to stand outside the door and watch her friends while they built seed throwers. She was very patient about waiting, but her aversion to the lab room was very odd. But then she had a blast! I could barely keep up. (Also, I played with the action settings on my camera...)

We also went to a rockin' awesome birthday party for one of Lil'Bug's favorite friends. K. is 5! Such a little gentleman too. Lil'Bug adores him. So much that she talked her Nana into getting her dressed up in party clothes and dress shoes so K. would think she's adorable. THAT was adorable! (Yes, he did in fact compliment her on her outfit! She grinned so big that she looked like a muppet!)
Update on the baby: I feel great. Hungry all the time, but still watching food for protein and nutrients- no junk, no caffeine. She kicks me all the time and I know where her head and feet are. I look more like 7 months instead of 20 weeks- or so EVERY stranger informs me. Or they tell me I am having twins- which I'm not (verified by the THREE ultrasounds we have had already. One. She's a girl). Also, the ultrasounds found a fibroid. It is tiny, but reason enough to continue monitoring. Fibroids caused complication with Lil'Bug's birth and led to the C-Section. Anyway, here's my first attempt at a mirror assisted belly photo at the museum. Unfortunately the mirror was less than ideal!

Reflections a bit

I had an itch to review my first three blog posts ever. Wow was that a trip. Funny thing is at the end of the third one I was craving the decaf hazelnut tea gifted to me by my dear friend Mama B.- and so it is this morning as well. I've been hiding a bit of hazelnut chocolate to devour with it. This morning will have to do. Lil'Bug is feverish and cranky and nested in on the couch watching PBS. Next up is a DVD of Bambi and maybe Muppet's Treasure Island.

We had an incredibly busy weekend. I'm still processing all that we did: field trip, birthday party, trip to Grandma's, actual in person work for the local college that employs me.....I'll write more later.

Monday 21 January 2008
