Monday 11 June 2007

Cultural Appropriation

We had a lively family discussion about people appropriating other's cultural practices because they think they are "cool" or "neat." Am I way too sensitive about fake Cajun things: burnt chicken being passed off as edible and labeled "blackened" AND SNL's Cajun Man just isn't funny to me, he's obnoxious AND MARDI GRAS means FAT TUESDAY and can NOT NOT NOT happen on a Saturday!!!!!!???? On the other hand, while the subtleties are lost, many parts of the cultural practices and knowledge live on because of the common interpretation. Agh. Now I'm slipping into professor mode to over-analyze what bugs me. And bugs me it does. I don't want Lil'Bug to think those cheap mocking imitations are her heritage.

Perhaps the time for authenticity in a culture that really hasn't existed for my generation has passed and all we have is what has been melted into the pot? Maybe its been my physical removal from the geographic area? But always, when I hear the longing voice singing for Jolie Blonde or hear the distinct wind of a fiddle that reminds me of the old 45's my Popo used to play, or even the particular smell after a rain that is exactly like Christmas at Momo's, I long for something that I cannot hold on to. Something that feels like home in a way that where I am geographically never will. Perhaps this is why I am overreacting about appropriation.

Saturday 9 June 2007

Night of the Living Ladybug

We let loose the bag o' bugs last night. It was awesome and I highly recommend it as a learning experience for little ones. They were lovely little bugs, very polite, and quite grateful for the meal we shared with them. This morning, they were contentedly sleeping nestled under the pepper foliage, full bellies, dreaming of aphids. Ah, perhaps I am personifying them a bit, but they certainly looked happy in their new home.

Friday 8 June 2007

Friday Tea Time: Nettle

Stinging Nettle tea.

Today was a good day for Mama Podkayne. I was reminded of two wonderful things in my life: family and friends. Today, I was cranky. Really really cranky. Our homeschooler group hosted garage sale Part 2 and I needed to help out (much of our downsized home decor is on the tables there with $1 stickers, so yes, I needed to help out). I did not have the patience to deal with that, school stress, AND growth spurt tot. My mother-in-law was a God-send and watched Lil'Bug the whole afternoon. Then my many mom friends, while mocking my crankiness, made me a nice warm cup of Nettle tea for to calm my frazzled nerves.

Did the tea work? Not so much the tea, but the friendship, fellowship, and family and the reminder that I have wonderful of all of the above. :) And Lil'Bug sighing in her sleep that she's glad Mama "feels better." Me too.

Thursday 7 June 2007

What's in my refrigerator....

Coming soon to a garden near me......

Ah, yes, the yearly batch of lady bugs. We have a pretty good sized ant colony and their herd of aphids does a pretty good job on our garden. The solution? We could soak a square mile around our house with industrial poisons but 1) the neighbors refused consent and 2) just kidding, it's just not practical plus the ick factor of poisons. Instead we decided to get down and dirty with an army of lady bugs.

One more thing to note: despite our neighbors accusations, the state-wide infestation of Japanese lady-beetles was not our fault. :)