Saturday, 10 May 2008

Snuzzel and Afrog

Lil'Bug has a vocabulary that is growing by leaps and bounds and sometimes adds new words to our repertoire: "Snuzzeling" is a snuggle and a cuddle initiated by a nose rubbing. She says it's what giraffes do. Ok.

Then there is Afrog the lallygagging alligator. She saw Muppet's' Treasure Island and loves the word lallygagging. Not sure she knows what it means, but still very cute. Afrog, she says, is a funny name for an alligator because he's not a frog. Chomp chomp chomp, mmmmm, yum yum yum.

Soupy is her bear. Purple Baby, who's other name is Kate, is her baby. And then there are a whole host of other animals and babies that she plays with too. She named a pair of hotwheels, Dog and Cat. Dog is the orange one and she says a girl gets to drive Dog. Why? Because it's fast!

I think it is funnier than she finds it that she gets amusement by "naming" things other things that they are not. Does that make sense? :) Needleroozer will get it. ;)