We were out in the garden working on the raised bed when she pointed and read this:
"Space. Mom, it says Space right here," she pointed to the cover title.
So now she is the proud owner of a book about space and a bag of cow poop. :) She asked to keep it a secret for a while, but finally relented to letting me blog about it. For those of you who don't know, we do not do active reading/writing lessons. We read to her a lot. She HATES the ABC song and people quizzing her on the alphabet, so we don't. She knows her letters though and can write most of them when she wants to. I suspected she was reading when I heard her screaming at Super Why last week that they got the wrong answer AGAIN, but I did not push her on it.
She will and is now reading at her own pace. She does it for curiosity and not performance. She is growing and learning naturally.
That is so great and even greater that her motivations are her own and not just for attention. (So I won't ruin it by mentioning what a big girl accomplishment that is and how proud she should be of herself.....of course, I'm banking on her not reading this blog for a little while yet!!!)
ReplyDeleteI know! I really had to restrain my joyful demonstration of how proud I was! I really wanted to jump and scream and cry, but I know that would freak her out and she was already wanting to keep it a secret.