Tuesday 22 December 2009

Sleep of the Just

Sunday 20 December 2009

And Because Chaos

ensued.....you all get to see me work on the blog design and fumble through different things.  No break for me, but I guess post feedback if you like something. It will probably change daily until Jan 1st, and by then I should have the design issues worked out. Whew it's hard!

Saturday 19 December 2009

Christmas Vacation

I'm taking a break. No Face Book or blogging until after the holidays. Too much family stuff to take care of. Too much farm stuff to tend to. I'll be back after the holidays with a new look.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Every Day is a "Snow Day"

Every day is a snow day! Or something like that. The blizzard didn't change much for us except make some interesting things to do outside. One of the things we regretted about living in the city was that everytime we built a snowman it would get destroyed by kids going to school, same thing with Halloween pumpkins, or really anything we set on the porch or in the front yard. It was sad and frustrating.

So- the farmhouse got a snowman right in the FRONT YARD. Boo ya! Meet Star Sky the "...'bomidable snowman." I love my girls.

This was Blueberry's first playing in the snow experience. It didn't last long because she is hyper sensitive about her hands and the mittens got wet and cold pretty fast.  But it was still fun.

 Lil'Bug wanted to help with dishes because warm water is nice. It is however the COLDEST spot in the whole house. Note the snow boots and hooded wooly sweater. Sweet. We got 5 sink fulls done.

So the blizzard is done and gone and the next one will roll through soon enough. It got me thinking though that for us, just as we live an endless summer, every day is a snow day. We are free to make the day what we want, cuddle by the fire, play games, and take care. For schoolers and for people who work 9-5's it is not like that, as they are at the mercy of a schedule and an institution. It is week's like this that I really relish our freedoms from clocks, from schedules, and from the stress that the mainstream framework brings. I also worry about how we will learn to navigate it when we need to, sometimes....and then we have vet appointments and art classes and violin classes and deadlines to meet and I am reminded that we are not free of these things after all! I suppose it just does not feel like it did when I had to go to school or work a 9-5. It is a different kind of life altogether because we choose to participate in it.

And that's just it, we CHOOSE how we live each day. So that's it, that's my deep rambling thought for the day. I must run now, as we are figuring out how to make Angel Food Cake to go with the bags of strawberries from our summer garden just unburied from the freezer move. Yum.