Wednesday 12 August 2009

Blueberry Summer

Dye a-Lot

The New Blue in Progress Plus Bonus Chainsaw Action

Monday 3 August 2009


Soon Lil'Bug will be reporting to the state for our homeschooling requirements. Not this year, but soon. In the last month I have met up with about 6 families new to unschooling/homeschooling and they all have 4 or 5 yo's. What I am getting good at is translating our experiences into school speak for the purpose of the schooly types trying to understand that what we do has value.

Many of those on the unschool journey hit a huge blockage in their path when it comes to explaining it to those who are trying to understand. Knowing the language helps.

So what is unfloding in my thoughts is two fold. One, we have to record a portfolio of Lil'Bug's learning to meet our state's legal requirements. Two, in doing so we will make the blog public to assist others on a similar path. Thrown in will be discussions on some of the struggles too.

So then that led to another idea. We'll be filling out a page weekly for that blog, or more often if any one thing seems to need more documentation (ie I take lots of good pictures). Locally, lots of other families are starting up the same type of record. Why not have a second blog that feeds/links from all the others, to gather the ideas in the same place? An online friend had started doing something similar in Utah, but not quite the same (so I don't think we are copying- Stephanie?).

So that will be brewing in the coming weeks. I'll send out invites once I get it up and running. Viva la Life Learning!

Ps.... now that my summer teaching fiasco is almost over, I will have more time to blog. Sorry about that!