Thursday 4 June 2009

The Art of Not Blogging

I admit, I've been a terrible blogger the last three months. I will try and play catch up here tonight. Spring on the farm is so busy and the computer I was working on was taking a downward spiral in functionality. Excuses.

Tonight (or maybe at naptime) I will post!

Friday 22 May 2009


Thursday 21 May 2009

It is a Family Affair

I can I help?

I love that this was a team effort. They worked together and got the job done.

I also adore about my family that not even a second thought is given to Lil'Bug's help. She's part of the team and that's that. 

The neat thing is that she actually does help. She pays attention (most of the time) and is alert and ready. 

She also really likes Dearest's tape measure. :)

More later!

Two Heads are Better than.....

Mac is so lovely. She's like art work. Dearest told Lil'Bug all machines are female because they require money and maintenance. To which I the operator can sit in the comfy leather seat while "she" does all the hard field work? Not cool. 

Then we had a family discussion about why such things are not nice to say. Lil'Bug got a lesson in metaphors we worked out some tension. 

Or why you should always work on a mega mower tag team? I love that the farm and all of it's tools are actually bring our family closer together. We need each other. The sunshine helps.

Still seeing your loved ones under a mower like this is unsettling. Two heads are better than none?