Tuesday 10 June 2008

What Did You Hit?

Lil'Bug was jumping on her bed. She jumped and flipped and head dived right through the air on to the hardwood floor. Thud. I saw the whole thing from the doorway. Dearest scooped her up and examined her.

"What Did You Hit?!?!" I asked.

"The floor!" she replied.

Yeah. The floor. Of course.

Also, she's fine.

Rain Rain Go Away

1) We are not flooded. The river level is rising. We live 2 blocks from the river on the bluff side. We are fine.
2) Our water supply is fine for now. Some places in Iowa are not so lucky, but Des Moines built a levee back when the floods of 1993 happened. Right now the river level is at 3 ft on the 14 ft levee.
3) Please don't worry about us. We are filling water containers with water just in case. We will be fine. We are a handle the crisis calmly when it happens type people.

That said, today we geared up for the first park day of the season at a local wading pool. Lil'Bug in swimsuit, baby in Moby, Mama with good book- only to sit there waiting for 30 minutes, call home and find out all city employees are reassigned to levee bagging including the teenage life guards for the pools. Try explaining that to a 3.5 year old.

Yeah. Daddy bought her a wading pool with a slide and she's been in it a good part of the day. The 80 degrees and sunny day. We also planted her garden bed again, read books, and ate Popsicles. Yum.

So that's it from here. Again, we are fine! :)

Friday 6 June 2008

Friday Rain Check

It rained. Usually this is no big deal. Actually, it set up to make our first Friday field trip to the local marsh even marshier. Lil'Bug was very excited. As we loaded up into the truck to head out, Nana and Pawpaw called- their sump pump was malfunctioning and their finished basement was flooded. They needed Dearest to help.

Lil'Bug was fine with missing her field trip to help Nana and Pawpaw BUT the thing that devastated her was that she wasn't actually allowed to help because of the bacteria in the accumulating water. She has always been able to help Daddy at our house with just about everything from tile grouting to oven repair. She was pissed. She moped, she stomped, she pouted. She even put on her rain boots and stomped down to the basement anyway only to be escorted back upstairs and given a box of cookies to keep her occupied. Yes, a whole box. Not my idea, but I helped her eat them.

When all was as stabilized as possible, Dearest took me and Blueberry home and Lil'Bug to a different park for a nature explore. They revisited the poached deer carcass from last month to observe the changes. For almost four hours, they climbed rocks, overturned logs, examined bugs, and then came home exhausted.

I hate that she missed her field trip BUT it is very important to us that we demonstrate for our children the importance of helping family and friends even when it means you miss out on something fun now and then. Goodness knows that friends and family have done the same for us time and time again; for that we are forever thankful.

Baby Love