Sunday 2 December 2007

Girls Rock! (A Peek Into our Day)

We play a lot of music at our house. I play it on the radio, computer, and ipod BUT my Lil'Bug and Dearest Husband play all kinds of instruments. When Lil'Bug was born I hauled the drum set out of storage and set it up in the middle parlor. She's been playing since she could pull herself up to standing. She plays almost every day and especially when her friends come over. They all love to have access to it and once the rule was established: NO STABBING THE DRUM HEADS, everything is loud, but fine. We also have an array of other "real" instruments that they can play as long as they are treated with care (ie, not thrown, hit against the wall, etc).

"Girls rock, Mama!"

Banana Bread by Hand (um, elbow?)

Who needs a mixer when you have a willing tot?

Quick update and forthcoming

Remember the last post where my online classes were not working properly? Now all three are affected BUT tech support knows why and gave ME instructions on how to fix it. Gah. It involves re-grading about 190 freshman composition papers. I have back up records, but I give detailed breakdowns of lost points and those are wiped out. I have 65 left to do.

Forthcoming are 3 posts:
Card Craft day with friends
Banana bread made "by hand"
and...the fairy superhero princess Lil'Bug saves the day for a ladybug

As soon as I get burned out from grading I intend to download the pictures from the week and get typing. I also have Christmas presents to finish and get in the mail, cards to do the same with, and the never ending quest for a drawer (instead of a laundry basket) full of clean and matched up socks........

Wednesday 28 November 2007

Couple of Random Things All This Week

Monday we met Wheelchair Mama and her boys at the Urbandale Library Chapters Cafe. They gave us free cookies, which was cool. What I didn't know was that they were clearing out edible inventory. It closed that night and has not re-opened. Still. Good time, good friends, yummy free cookies.

I felt the baby flutter today. I'd felt it before, but today it was really strong and repetitive. So very cool.

"I'm queen of the bumper mat!"

This week I had a major problem with my online classes, tried very hard to fix it myself, but ended up going in to see the tech support at home campus in person.....with tot in tow. She chanted that she hates the town that it is located all the way there. Once we got there there were no parking spaces and the building was surrounded by emergency vehicles, CNN trucks, satellite vehicles, and construction vehicles. No tape, so we went on in. So.....why the fuss? Hillary Clinton. Speaking to the students in the gym. Most of the students were not terribly interested and Hillary was 2 hours late, but still the place was packed with excited political participants, business people, and reporters with big bulk equipment. It took 32 minutes to walk through the building to tech support. Since we had to park so far away I had Lil'Bug in the emergency stroller that she is really too big for. 3 hours later, we repeated the same task escaping the chaos. Computer program problem unresolved, tot cranky, and then asleep.

"I hate your work Mama. Can we go home and have ice cream now?"

"What? Why are taking my picture? Go bother that cat."

Oh no. Maybe I am turning into one of those bloggers who takes lots of pictures of their cat.....
