Saturday 17 October 2009

Farewell Good Hen

We finally caught and butchered the fast and clever meat chicken that had escaped the last round up. She hid out with the pigs for a while and now that the pigs are gone, suddenly we have about 4 more chickens. Funny. By we, I mean Dearest. I hate butchering, specifically, I hate plucking, and he doesn't seem to mind it. Still, can't wait for the whiz bang plucker to be built over winter.

Today was mostly spent cleaning and sanitizing and cuddling a very cranky baby. The anti viral gave her a headache I think. She kept covering her eyes and pulling at her hair. Poor thing.

We gathered the huckleberry from the garden and the last of the pumpkins. Dearest had a go at plowing the new garden beds and the old. I am extending them to the West and eliminating the Eastern bed. I am thinking about growing pumpkins in the pig pen, as pumpkins like it "hot", but I can't find any data verifying that the attempt would be safe on that ground only a season after the pigs are off it. On the other hand, I can't find anything saying it wouldn't be either, just that most crops will burn on such ground. Still looking.

Lil'Bug is turning 5 soon. Time flies so very fast. She's just a few weeks past the cut off for Kindergarten in Iowa, but we homeschool and I am hesitating to call it a grade, well, ever. The problem is that some people/places seem to need that and just saying that she's 5 and we homeschool isn't cutting it. They want to know what level "curriculum" she's at. Dude. She's 5 (or will be very soon). I tried explaining what we do, but really failed at the attempt. I think it will work itself out as they get to know her, but I worry about how many more times this will come up?

I am going to start uploading pictures from the past few months and posting them by date, so they won't be at the top of the blog when they appear. Dearest gave me the "facebook stole the record of our family" talk and I must admit I feel incredibly guilty. I just didn't feel like blogging. It is complicated. Part of it is actually facebook, but not the timesuck part of it. It is that suddenly I am connected to all these people and my blog isn't so anonymous anymore. I know, it wasn't really ever, but in real life I am a bit shy and a lot sensitive to my family thinking I am a weirdo. I am a weirdo. I do lots and learn about lots of unconventional things. Life is an adventure I fully intend to live. I intend to document it for my children. So there, that's that.


  1. I'm forever telling people, "My kids play with rocks and sticks until they are 6." Then change the subject. Funny... they are still ready for school -- even though we've only had them play with rocks and sticks. Ü

  2. You know, even though we're doing technically first grade stuff with Wally, and if you ask him, he can't tell you what grade he's in, and I hate labeling it, because what is it - Kindergarten, first grade? neither? It's 3 hours a week, so it's kind of like preschool. But I've chosen to go Path of Least Resistance on this one, and we've decided to call his grade based on what he'd be in if following the typical Public School routine. So he's in Kindergarten.
    This is also helpful for things like Boy Scouts, which starts at first grade. So next year, we'll be able to tell them he's in first grade. It has nothing to do with his age, or the stuff we're doing for school... just where he'd be if we started him in Kindergarten when his peers all went to school.

  3. Love the pumpkin picture ~ you had some lovely harvest there m'dear.

    And I must say, you are NOT a weirdo. You are a creative wonder and an amazing being. Just keep showing up, doign what you do, and the right and perfect beings will find you.

    Thanks for your willingness to share,



A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.