This week something clicked. Many moms have been blogging about their young tots needing more attention, structure, activity, ect. This last month has been strained here at Chez Podkayne and I just wrote it off as post holiday burn out.
Hmmmm. I was wrong. Lil'Bug was bored. B O R E D. She needed to level up. How do I know this? She picked out Magic Tree House books and wanted me to read them to her. Now, instead of reading time lasting 3 minutes and then exploding in mutual frustration, she begs me to read more and more and more. She asks questions. She imagines her self in the story and makes new story lines. She tries to say the "big" words when we encounter them like sarcophagus. At the museum, she asked more advanced questions too. Board games have finally clicked with her as have computer games.
Another brain spurt indeed. Once I figured this out and engaged her, started strewing "better stuff" (her words), then the tantrums and grumps dissolved.
Then there's yoga. I've never done yoga before but my midwife suggested it as a low impact exercise and stress reducer. So I bought a DVD and started by just watching it. The next day, I followed along for the warm ups and then was pooped. The next day, Dearest Husband bought me a rug because most of it is floor work and my hardwood floors are frigid. I could then do about 25 minutes and then for the rest of the video I repeated the stretches.
My hands, for the first time in a long time, were not vampire cold. I felt warm all over. Circulation improvement indeed. Then I slept better than I have in a long time.
Still, I didn't realize how out of shape I was. My thoughts on exercise have always been away from "meaningless" machine workouts and more toward house work and outdoor play- like Karate Kid- wax on, wax off. Up and down the ladder, up and down the stairs. Go go go. But this yoga stuff is different. 1) It addresses stress and... 2) circulation 3) strength is built from poses not weights.
It feels right.
Also, many of the poses are exactly what the Bradley exercises are. I can barely do them, so it is good I have a foundation and guide to work from.
Then, the update on the play date on Thursday. I think it went well. Her daughter and mine played awesome together. We caught up. She made the tastiest blueberry banana bread. I was not stressed out before like I thought I might be, but a little bit after. Over analyzing everything, worried I'd said the wrong thing, etc. but that passed quickly. All is well.
Friday did not go as smoothly as I'd planned. We were supposed to go snowshoeing at 10am. Fine, I leave for all events like this about an hour early. We suited up, packed out bags and then I told Lil'Bug to find her boots.
Yup. No boots. Left in Daddy's truck the night before with her gloves. It's 30 degrees out and we are not going on an outdoor nature hike without proper raiments and footwear. So we headed out to the suburb where Daddy works and by the time we had acquired the missing gloves and boots, we were too late for the class about 30 minutes away.
Lil'Bug was devastated.
We headed out to the mall and the play place to try and find something closer for her to do. She was still sad and angry but felt better after a huge fruit smoothie. She hung out at the book store for a while too. Somewhere in there my throat became red, itchy, and inflamed and, well, I became nauseous and all that goes with that. We stopped by and visited Grampa before heading home, but by the time we got home I was out and out sick. Good thing we didn't do the winter hike!
Wow. Long post. Whew. Now I feel caught up!
Congrats on your first yoga! I am just on my way to a class this morning :)
ReplyDeleteYou might also want to try using a block or similar prop for those 'hard' to reach poses. That would include many of the touch your toes or feet poses for me :)