It's actually a poem by Sheryl St. Germain. A really crazy beautiful poem. I lost one of her books to a friend who borrowed it and then stopped calling, so I assume not everyone shares my opinion! :) Sheryl was also my thesis advisor at ISU for a bit. She left the last year (took me 4 years to finish as a part timer.) What happened was that she moved to the East coast. Would have been nice to get an email that said, "Well, now you need to find a replacement advisor, ha ha" instead of a generic to everybody in her address book, "I love PA and my new job! Bye!" Really? How nice I thought. Then, (*&98&;;(*7(*^^$%$%#$%#%&I&()()_*&....... how am I supposed to find a replacement with 3 months left before defense?!
I digress. What I am trying to write about is actually midnight. I pick pumpkins at midnight. I drink tea at midnight. I tend to get time to blog, read blogs, paint, and think at midnight. The only thing I can't seem to do is sleep. Coincidentally it is the only thing that, at least to me, does not sound more poetic/interesting if you add "at midnight."
What makes this such an interesting hour (aside from the police scanner)? There is nothing good on TV, everyone is asleep, laundry still threatens to topple....but it is quiet and clear outside. Sometimes it is quiet and clear inside too.
Add this to the list: Lil'Bug playing drums.....at midnight.
and here i thought my little one was the only one keeping people up with drums at midnight!!! way cool!