I also set up her phonics computer game. She doesn't do the mouse very well so it was the two of us clicking through together. She does know her letters and sounds better than I thought and even a few words too. She wanted to do this for hours and hours and hours. It sure does take a big dose of patience parenting and homeschooling but the trade off is definitely sitting next to me delighted!
I've been thinking more about TV lately and my personal relationship with it. I grew up with cable TV, 100 channels with nothing on. We would watch and watch and watch. I don't object to watching movies because 1) there is an intention when putting one in the player and 2) there is a lot less selling than the commercial driven networks. I realized that what I object to the most is the advertising. I object to being advertised at. I object to exposing my child to this. She recently saw an ad for Chuck E. Cheese's. She's never been nor do we intend to take her there unless someone else is hosting a birthday party and that is unlikely that anyone in our friend circle will do that, but she's been talking about it incessantly- because of an advertisement. Blah.
Our lifestyle in general is different from mainstream Americans. We grow food, bake bread, read to each other, oh, and homeschool our almost three year old. That last one really puts us out there. Why? I've always been eccentric, artsy, and well read so I am used to being different, but even among our "crunchy" friends we seem to stick out a bit. I'm not sure why it is bothering me today.
Squish squish squish.....
Oh, and that is a chocolate goatee she has. Dark chocolate. Yum. I had one too- we had a really fun lunchtime. :)
where do you take the music class at?
ReplyDeleteI think you are a neat eccentric :) and I'm still waiting for those recipes. At least I will not lose them if you post them online. I have your syndrome of unorganization, um, helping the economy.
ReplyDeleteTo get TIVO we'd need more channels!? Right now we have basic antenna reception and that's bad enough. :)
ReplyDeleteI think if we ever did upgrade we would have something like that. I like that the library carries the dvds of shows we like. That will have to do for now. :)
We love our DVR..like tivo, most of what is on TV is crap. We record whats good and zap through thge comercials.
ReplyDeleteYour lifestyle sounds like a laidback peaceful one. I have been out in the rat race and understand the pressures of that, I have been a sahm too. This is better. I've never really been a joiner and marched to my own drummer. Meandered is more like it. Let mainstrean America have it, not for me.