Tuesday 30 September 2014

Fresh Made Beds

Fresh made beds. We used to totally ignore making beds. Why bother? But ever since I got my favourite bed out of storage and set up, furniture arranged how I like it, and the room just right? I want it made every morning. So, it gets made. And laundry placed on it to be folded? Gets folded quickly.

Making this a daily routine has helped my spirit lift and get the rest of my day organised.

Bonus? I posted the pic on FB and got so much love! I mean, I love the space and the colours, but hearing compliments is always a nice thing. Thank you all!

I'm getting ready for a pretty big trip here to visit a friend and give her a big hug. We've been gearing up for it for months, but everything fell into place and I leave in 6 days. Wow.

Still to do: Pack freezer meals for Chad and the kids. Clean Holly's room. Clean out both storage rooms. Set up weight bench in one and desk in the second. Take clothes to charity. Pack. Again. Clean camera. Print tickets.

Back to work!

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A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.