Wednesday 4 September 2013


 Tuesday was foggy and magical when we headed out for our long day. Fog is terrible to try and photograph with a camera phone, but I gave it a go. The farm was wrapped up in it and Lily made up a poem about how this was a....

gurgling fog,
a dangerous fog, 
a mist that would gobble you up 
forever lost, 
holding your nightmares in place, 
slipping your dreams away fog. 

Good grief. Even I was terrified to leave the driveway.

Komorebi is a Japanese word for when sunlight dances between the branches and the leaves of trees. That is what my children played in for hours while I cleaned up apples. The three of them laughed and ate apples and told stories in this magical backyard of my friend Jenni B.

And that was our day, the moments of bliss between delivering payments and dropping off Goodwill donations (cleaned out closets, yeah!).

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A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.