Anyway, there is no mystery mass. No enlarged organ. No nothing. His pancreas is tender and showing signs of abnormality. The specialist thinks he had a pancreatitis attack, though a mild one, and is in a lot of pain. That pain is likely causing him not to want to eat, he says. So pain meds for Hobbit on the menu. The vet also sent away for a blood test to confirm diagnosis. Not sure what else was going on, but all his organs are in the correct place now and the right size.
I still think there is something unknown, but I'll go with the flow on this one and make him comfortable and happy until we can do more or this passes. That's the update.
Wow! That's amazing. I'm so glad that everything is okay so far. Don't forget, you promised him bed privileges once hes home! :)
ReplyDeleteNoted. Once he's able to jump up that high again, he'll be at the end of the bed.