The first one she is helping scrape buffalo hide, then the second one is when the interpreter tells her that she's helping to make leather and her shoes are made of leather.
Later she has a talk with the lamb. She is worried about a fox she saw so she's telling the lamb not to worry, "Foxes eat other people's chickens, they don't have their own and they are hungry." They don't eat lambs? I didn't have the heart to tell her.
Then the farmer at the 1850's house let Lil'Bug help cook lunch. She got the water from the well jug and placed the potatoes in the prepared pot.
The picture I wish I got? Lil'Bug also helped round up a chicken that had twine tangled around its feet. She did a very good job helping, a natural at chicken herding. :)
Okay, so just the combination of the words "chicken herding" is enough to make me belly laugh. Its cute with kids, but it reminds me of when I was in like junior high and my dad was working on a car for a couple of full grown men. One of them saw our chickens roaming around the yard and asked if he could pet one. ?Um, yeah? Sigh, too funny;)