Peaches can get a type of freezer burn in transport. They are terrible if grown in the wrong soil, picked at the wrong time, or eaten not ripe. Peaches are like a fine wine and there is a difference.Canned peaches are the same, sugar syrup matters, age, care in canning. At 22, I had never encountered a peach I liked.
Chad tried to convince me at a summer farmers' market when we were first married, I was hesitant and not really very enthusiastic. Oh, but then he handed me a summer kissed Missouri grown peach. He'd taken a bite to make sure it was right, and oh my it was. I was in love. Desperately in love. I could not get enough.
Maybe that was the true beginning to my farm longing. We planted a peach tree at our city house, but the neighbor kids vandalized it every summer over and over. The only peaches I could get were at farmers' markets and in July. No grocery store imported peach would do. I longed for a peach tree within reach of my kitchen.
Our peach trees here at the farm are still saplings. I am still waiting. Until our time comes our neighbors country store gets the most amazing Missouri peaches in every year. These peaches are pie worthy, these peaches are like sunshine in a mouthful. These peaches......oh oh oh oh. Oh how I love peaches. We've planted 20 peach trees.
For this year I shall treat you to my peach recipes and interpretations. I have created a pinterest page too. You can find it here:
The plan is to can the peaches starting today, take lots of pictures. Monday will also be full of canning and pie making. Now is your chance id you want to request a recipe too!
What's your favourite peach treat?
Oh I'm excited to read your peach posts! I'm waiting on some peaches, hopefully will be receiving them this upcoming week and then I can't wait to get to work!