Chad joined a punk band, got his Permaculture Design Certification, and quit his corporate job to farm full time. (He is NOT unemployed, he is self employed, CEO of our farm. It really bugs me that folks keep saying he is jobless. Haters.)
Lily took pottery, started piano lessons, chopped all her hair off to a hair cut she has wanted since she was 2, and really matured into her own right as an artist.
Holly danced. She danced and danced some more. She danced through chores, through church, and through the pastures. She walks in a dancing hop. Dance is everything to her right now.
Isaac learned to walk last year, but this year he learned to run, to jump, and to spin! He got his own cat. He bottle fed a lamb and a piglet. He explored caves and language.
I took my camera with me everywhere. I wrote. I submitted. I published. I took my own writing seriously.
There were tears of loss and love. There was death on the farm. There was new life. Flooding. Fighting. Forgiving. Because of the things we have fought for our farm continues to grow and change and thrive. We were held up by our friends more than we held others up. We scrabbled. We took time to swing on the porch swing. We took time to hang the porch swing and create a margin in our life that allows for this quiet time that we build our relationships instead of hauling hay bales and digging holes and chasing livestock, though we did plenty of that too. Perhaps too much. Damn fences.
This was our 2014.

2015? We have bigger things planned. You'll see.
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A blog about farming, unschooling, feminism, 22q deletion syndrome, cooking real food, homesteading, permaculture, and motherhood.