I can make the claim that we're just really busy, but you know what? That's only half the story. The other half is that Facebook steals my time, lures my thoughts into a tweet like trap and leaves me with nothing at the end of the day.
As an experiment, I am going to open a draft folder here on blogger in the morning and every time I wish to FB tweet I will enter the line there instead. My days really are funny and silly and full of things every day and FB is getting all the good parts. For example:
Little known fact: my dream as a child was to be an ER trauma surgeon. I worked for 3 years as a "volunteen" (assistant nurses aid) and saw first hand the work of rural volunteer fire fighters and EMT's. I know firsthand what death looks like, both traumatic and lingering. I chose instead to study architecture.
found 6 keets wandering back this afternoon. That's something at least. Harvested 6 pumpkins too. Tomorrow heading to DM.
Yup, I homeschool just to annoy you. comment by Dearest: We're sorry, but your child does not meet the qualifications for enrollment in the ***** Family Academy for the Talented and Gifted. We do however donate annually to a fund for public institutions that work to keep kids like yours off the streets. Thanks!
thinks Coraline is frightening on a very personal level. Other Mother. Shiver. Also, setting the mood for contemplation today. Found the cat but none of the keets. Pigs fed. 1/2 the laundry put away. Figuring out dinner. Soup sounds good.
Ug, my kitchen smells funny and not a funny ha ha either.
is worried about the 25 missing keets and the one, precious, missing cat.
I give in just a bit and check FB, AND SCORE A FREE GLASS GREENHOUSE! W00T!
I think my house is sliding into shangri la/ we are surrounded by fog it looks like we are in a cloud
6 inches of standing water at the pig gate. Blueberry grabbed her poopy diaper and flung it. Slipped in chicken poop. Today's theme?
is a bean picking dancer la la la la la.....yeah a bean picking dancer la la.
Funny that the rain soaked maggoty picnic was the highlight of my day. The picnic was great! Thanks H B for organizing it. :) It warmed and dried up as soon as A and S R. left. Um, the caterpillars were in fact maggots. Lily found a nice home for them in the bushes. Ug. All 10 of them....the caterpillars J gave LB were actually maggots, which is freaking hilarious. I so did not freak out. I mean, she had already played with them for HOURS.
So you see, last week was pretty freakin' hilarious. Lots of pictures too. We made ice cream, cheese, and canned tomatoes. We started getting eggs from the chickens, first egg was a double yolk!, got a batch of guinea chicks, raised them to 3 weeks and set them outside. Lost all the guinea chicks. Made brownies for the FIRST TIME EVER. BLUEBERRY STARTED WALKING! I wrote about all of it, just not here. Such is the plight of facebook to destroy blogger apologetically and in the process steal all my personal information. Hmph. Ironic that this blog will now feed into my FB page and belong to them FOREVER. But enough complaining, on to action!
she's walking! aw...