Apparently I never made an official 2010 to do list, but there was enough left over from 2009 that I'll start with that.
The last 'to do' update is here, and I'm updating from that -
The chickens have a heater on the water which has made chores there much easier. I got a heated bowl for the dogs at the same time - this saves lots of trips with buckets.
The porch will be rebuilt this year, but we havn't touched it since the repair in 2009.
Gutters I'm still on the fence about - there are two cisterns near the house to fill in first, and I don't think gutters will be needed for most of the house once those are fixed because of the eaves and ground slope.
Painting is mostly done but we have a few hard to get to places to finish - we'll finish this spring some time.
Weatherization we could do more of, but we've done some. The house this year is far, far warmer since we have the stove working finally. We haven't had nearly the issues with pipes freezing either, which makes for much more sleep at night.
Firewood - Geez. I didn't have nearly enough wood cut. We finally have the chimney lined and the kitchen queen stove running 24x7. That takes a LOT of wood. I'm buying most of it, which still saves money, but I plan to cut a lot more for next year.
We did not get a milk cow, nor a steer, but we did get sheep! We're excited about it. We'll have lambs in the spring and we have all sorts of plans for this. It's been a lot of work, but we're set up for a cow now as soon as we decide we are ready.
We didn't rock the driveway - I've pretty much decided against it this year as well, that money is better spent on other stuff.
We've burned a lot of brush, but the folks I called to clean up the junk never came back. I'll call them again in the spring to see if they are interested in the scrap. If not, we'll start doing it a little at a time. Every time I look at that junk pile that was left on the property I get irritated at the 10+ years of laziness that created it.
Bees we're well into - Danelle has been tending three hives for BlueGate farm and we plan to get a few hives of our own started this year.
The basement bulkhead and garage wall is still pending repair, but it's holding nicely. The new tractor will make clearing out some of the cement for that much easier, this will probably be put off another year.
Some of the major accomplishments this year -
Expanding to 18 pigs and bringing them all to market successfully. We plan to raise between 30 and 40 this year, and I hope to acquire our first breeding animals as well. This was a lot of work, every day. We've got some new feeders and strategies for feeding/watering that should make this easier now though.
We're shepherds now as I mentioned above - 14 sheep and a llama. We'll be selling the fleece for hand spinning and some lambs for meat.
Bees! Danelle did the apprenticeship and she'll continue that and we'll get our own hives soon.
We've got 20ish fruit trees planted. Step 2: Wait 5 years. sigh.
The stove being installed was a huge deal for us - that project sapped tons of vacation time, energy and money trying to get completed, but it's done. The house is now warm, and if the power goes out it will stay that way - this is a huge relief, and we're glad to move on.
Starting with late last year, we've had an enormous amount of vehicle trouble. Probably around $7500+ this year went for repairs, parts, tires, etc. My truck is still not back from getting a new transmission. It's frustrating to think of what we could have gotten done if that stuff hadn't happened. But it's all done now right? Right?
We attended our first farm auction and purchased a trailer for a good price - we've used it a LOT. Enough that I've considered selling it and upgrading, but that probably won't happen for a while.
We purged most of the one-off chicken breeds from the laying flock and have selected buff orpingtons and barred rocks as our go forward layers. We also hatched our own clutch of chickens on farm (that was really fun).
Our garden flopped from inattention - I'll be fixing that this year by scaling back a lot. We did have lots of success harvesting the mulberries, mint, and strawberries that came with the farm. Plenty was put up for the rest of the year.
Lot's of 'almost done' repairs on the south side house siding - one more section to finish.
We did some 'sample sundays' with Prairie Land Herbs which helped prepare us being on the farm crawl at Reicharts Dairy-aire. This was a ton of work and forced us to spend time and money on promotional materials that have been very helpful.
Baby Isaac was born in November - he's a quiet one so far. Having mama be able to be up and around again is nice - this was a hard pregnancy for her.
As I said last year, I'll try to put out an actual 'to do' later.