Tuesday, 28 October 2008


Today is better. Actually, yesterday turned around eventually. The boiler got fixed. Poop was cleaned up. Tot decided to act human instead of feral. Found phone number of daughter's friend and we were invited over for a make up birthday cake playdate. Perfect timing since the boiler guys told up that it would take about 4 hours to h eat the house back up.

We had a lovely time.

Then we met Dearest at Pawpaw's and Nana's house and warmed up there for a while. Snacked for dinner and headed home. You know, crappy days are always made better when I am reminded what wonderful people we have in our lives.

Today, we are chilling out at home.

Monday, 27 October 2008

Craptackular Day

Monday morning, boiler has been off all weekend due to leak and unwillingness to pay weekend rates for repair that should have been done LAST WEEK. Freezing bums off. Boiler guys show up. Lilbug decides to melt down and throws her "I can't walk" fit. Blueberry explodapoops all over her one pair of warm jammies (and me and the baby carrier) while above mentioned tot wails and thrashes on the floor because I can't carry her upstairs that very second. Boiler guy needs padlock key, can't find, call Dearest, then found, call Dearest back to tell him coming home is unneccessary.


Continue dealing with screaming tot and poopy baby and obnoxious cat and excited dog and broken boiler questions.

Dearest comes home anyway to give us all hugs. Awesome. Day looking better.

Remember that Lil'Bug's best friend in the whole worlds birthday party was YESTERDAY and we missed it. WE MISSED IT. Lil'Bug doesn't know but I bet across town there is a very sad little girl whose birthday wasn't right and that is breaking my heart. I would call her but I don't have her phone number because of my phone phobia and I sent an email but darn it, how tacky is that? Seriously, an email? I am such a loser. We (the mamas) even made a special effort not to schedule parties on top of each other (since they share a birthday). It was a big deal that they re-scheduled the party so Lil'Bug could come and then I go and forget it. Big fat L on my forhead doesn't even begin to describe how I feel.

Also, shiver. So much for Christmas savings. Happy holidays boiler guys. I know their rate I know price for parts. I am so glad we have savings. I am also thankful that the boiler decided to crap out this year instead of any of the past years that we would not have had savings. Warm is important.

I'm now baking bread and cookies and planning dinner to be something in the oven too and I plan to hover over oven all freaking day long. Why can't I leave? Well, boiler guys need me right here to show me all the things they are charging me for. Shiver. I just went outside to have explained to me that the entire length of pipe on the back section of the house needs to be replaced. Yippee.


Warm Wishes,

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Slowly Realizing plus Pictures of the View

I am slowly, bit by bit realizing what our upcoming move means. For example:

We will be able to see the stars at night! We can't because of city light pollution right now. I want a telescope all over again. One that I can attach my SLR to.

No more middle of the night loud not very talented rappers outside on the street waking up the babies (myself included).

I can grow sweet potatoes! Heck, I'll be able to grow carrots, radishes, turnips, potatoes, and anything else that is a root/dirt veggie. I can't here because of lead in the soil.

When it gets really cold or the boiler/furnace goes out, we'll have a wood cook stove and a fireplace to snuggle up by.

And my day comprises of these tiny realizations just sparkling at me like magic. All day. Everyday.

i feel so blessed to have the opportunity to give my children what my Aunt gave me, a magical woods to explore, chores to be responsible for, and a healthier food culture.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Follow Follow Follow

I just discovered that I had followers on blogspot. Neat. So then I am attempting to find the follow me button on blogs I love. Is it just a blogspot option? I like that I can publicly let the bloggers I read know without having to comment, because I just don't get around to commenting as much as I read. I tried (remember back in July?) to comment at least once on everyone I read, but I failed. I managed to leave like 10 comments but I read about 50 blogs.

Any way, follow me! :) (The button is in the sidebar).

Also, facebook? I am still chewing over if I like it or not.