Saturday, 14 June 2008


One unreported side effect from the flooding that is affecting us: mosquito populations. There are already a whole lot of them. Swarming. Eck.


I was playing a logic game this morning with Lil'Bug:

"You are beautiful and I like watching you play; butterflies are beautiful and I like watching butterflies, so you must be a butterfly!"

She looks at me puzzled. I continue, "You like playing in the flowers, so do butterflies, so you must be a butterfly! Right?"

She thinks on this, "No Mama, I have to wear day clothes, night clothes, and swimsuits. Butterflies are naked, so I am not a butterfly."

:) I almost fell over laughing.

Another Flood Update

We are still fine, still on the bluff side of the river, still on a hill. Even friends and family who live in town have been calling to see if we are ok because the school at the bottom of the hill on the levee side of the river is flooded. The levee failed.

So, worry not. As long as we still have water, we will be fine.

On a side note not related to flooding: AUNT BEE GOT ENGAGED! WHOO HOO! Congratulations little sister!

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Update on Storms

Iowa is making lots of headlines, but we are still ok, dry, and safe. More tornadoes making their way towards us right now, river still rising, and we still live on a hill.

I'm not worried about our house flooding (if it does, Dearest says we'll have big apologies to make to Global Warming people.....), but rather the power going out, trees falling, or some such.

I'm also worried about friends who are out there in the storm, working to keep us all safe. Worried about friends whose children were at the boy scout camp that a tornado just hit. My prayers are with them tonight.